Health Centered Dentistry
What is Health - Centered Dentistry?
It's patient-focused. Our recommendations and treatment strategies are based on your individual needs, not on what insurance will or won't cover.
It's individualized. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. Every person has a unique story, different needs, and different goals. We will partner with you to help you achieve your personal goals.
It's strategic. A house would not be built without a strong foundation, so we want to design a health plan that sets you up for success.
It's tested. Without a scoreboard, a team cannot know if they are winning or losing. We will assess your oral health using tests and values, so we can keep score and adjust accordingly.
It's been studied. We prioritize finding newer, more effective ways to accomplish our objectives on a constant basis. Our recommendations will be based on researched products, materials, and treatments.
It's minimally invasive. The teeth you were born with are the best you can have. We strive to preserve what nature gives us whenever possible.
It's biocompatible. We don't want your body to struggle any harder than it already does in today's world of increased toxins, pollutants, and allergens. We are committed to using the least toxic and most biocompatible materials.
It's preventive. Benjamin Franklin once said, 'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." The earlier we begin disease prevention, the better. It is our goal to promote health early so that we can entirely prevent dental disease from ever occurring.
It's evolving. We are committed to learning. Newer materials and products are being developed. New techniques for dental treatment are being taught. New ways of testing and diagnosing are evolving. When we learn better dentistry, we are dedicating to applying our knowledge to offer better dentistry.e